SASSA “Self Exclusionary Response Found” Status Meaning & Solution
Are you wondering why your SASSA status shows “Self Exclusionary Response Found“? It simply means that the information you provided in your SASSA application shows that you are not eligible for the grant and already have a source of income that is greater than R350 per month, or you are in any government facility.

If you do not have any source of income or you are not in any government facility, but your application still shows this status, do not be worried. I will discuss the detailed meaning of the status “Self Exclusionary Response Found”, how to avoid it, and how you can fix it to get your grant approved.
Meaning of Status “Self Exclusionary Response Found”
So, now let’s first understand the meaning of the status “Self Exclusionary Response Found”.
It simply means that you answered the question with “YES” from one of the following in SASSA application form:
If you answered “Yes” to any one of the above questions, then SASSA thinks you are already working or earning more than R350 per month, which automatically disqualifies you from the grant. The SASSA SRD grant is only for deserving people who are struggling and in dire need of help.
So, you must read the Declaration and Consent form in detail before applying for the grant and should only apply if you are fulfilling the eligibility criteria.
If you answered “Yes” to the question by mistake, then you don’t need to be worried. I will explain below how you can avoid it, how to correct the answers to your questions, and how to appeal to get your grant approved.
How to Avoid the SASSA “Self-Exclusionary” Rejected Status
First of all, you have to read the Declaration and Consent form and understand if you are eligible to receive the SASSA SRD R350 grant. If you are fulfilling the criteria, then you need to fill out your application form carefully and answer “No” to the above questions, which I explained.
Please don’t try to submit the wrong responses if you are already working or earning more than R350 per month. If SASSA finds out, they will immediately reject your grant, and you will not be able to receive any government grant in the future. Apart from that, SASSA can also take legal action against fraudsters.
Fixing Status “Self Exclusion” By Appealing
Once you are sure that the questions were answered as “Yes” by mistake and you are qualified for the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant, then please follow the guide below to fix it:
1. Change the Answers to Questions From “Yes” to “No”
So, first, you will need to log in to the SASSA Services Portal, modify the answers to your SASSA application, and change them to “No”. Once you change them, you will need to lodge an appeal with the SASSA to reconsider your application.
2. Lodge An Appeal to SASSA
Now follow the below steps to appeal your SASSA status check “Self Exclusionary“:
Your appeal will now be successfully submitted to ITSAA. Please remember that the Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals (ITSAA) handles SASSA appeals.
ITSAA will take up to 60 to 90 days to make a decision. Once they review your appeal and find you eligible for the grant, they will overturn the SASSA decision, and you will begin receiving SRD grant payments. If rejected, they will notify you in writing with a reason why they think you are not eligible for the grant.
Please check your status regularly to stay updated on the appeal’s outcome. Once the decision is made, you will also be notified via text message.
To sum up, “Self Exclusionary Response Found” in your SASSA status indicates that you may not be eligible for the grant due to existing income or government support. If you’ve mistakenly answered “Yes” to the eligibility questions, don’t worry. By carefully correcting your responses and lodging an appeal through the SASSA portal, you can rectify the situation. Ensure you follow the steps outlined and await the decision from ITSAA within 60 to 90 days. Be patient and keep track of your status updates for a successful resolution.