How to Fix SASSA Invalid Phone Number Error: Simple Solutions and Tips
Are you struggling with an “Invalid Number” error while trying to update your phone number for the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant? You are not alone. There can be several reasons, like entering the wrong phone number, typing errors, and challenges with the SASSA system that cause invalid phone number.
But do not worry, these issues need simple solutions such as correcting your phone number format, updating your browser, or restarting your device. I will walk you through these methods and share tips to prevent this error from happening again.
What is SASSA Invalid Number?
The SASSA website keeps showing the “Invalid Number” error when you try to update your mobile phone number for your SRD grant. It is called SASSA Invalid Number.
What are the Common Reasons Behind “SASSA Invalid Phone Number”?
Multiple things can cause an invalid number error. But the most common reasons behind this error are the following:
1. Entering the Phone Number in Incorrect Format
One of the most common reasons is that you may be entering your SASSA-registered phone number in the wrong format.
The number should begin with a 0 followed by the 9 digits without dashes, spaces, or other symbols. For Example, a Mobile Phone number in South Africa looks like this: 0648439217
2. Making a Typing Error
Another reason for “Invalid Error” may be you are making an accidental typing error. For Instance, you may have unconsciously entered an incorrect or an additional digit. A single wrong digit can cause this error.
3. Using a Landline Instead of a Mobile
In your SASSA grant application, you may have provided a landline number instead of a cellular number, which can also cause an error.
4. Issues in System
Sometimes, technical faults in the system or problems in the SASSA Server can result in the “Invalid Number” error.
5. Check the SASSA Website
You should also visit the SASSA status check page on the website and check whether it loads instantly. If there is an issue, it can be a temporary issue with the website.
6. Problems in Cached Data
Your internet browser stores a cache of data from regularly visited websites. Sometimes, this cached data becomes corrupted and can cause an error when searching a website. This fault can be a reason for the “Invalid Number” error on the SASSA website.
What Should You Do to Resolve this Issue?
Knowing the reasons for Invalid Number error is just the first step, now I will provide you with the solutions for each issue:
Enter your Mobile Number in the Correct Format
First, Recheck the format of the mobile phone number you entered in the SASSA application.
Correct it in a standard sequence. It should start with 0 and be followed by the 9-digit mobile number without dashes and spaces.
Restart your Device
If the error is still there, restart your computer, tablet, mobile phone, or any device, on which you are visiting the SASSA website. It can remove this number error.
Contact SASSA for Help
If you have tried all the mentioned methods to remove the “Invalid Number Error“ and it persists. Then, you should contact SASSA as a last resort. You can contact SASSA in the following ways:
Note: Please keep your grant application reference number in hand while contacting SASSA through the helpline or visiting their office.
Share all the methods you have tried to solve this issue with SASSA, they will guide you on how to fix this error.
Tips to Avoid the Invalid Number Error
After knowing the solution to remove the number error, please keep in mind the following tips to avoid this issue:
Get Notifications on WhatsApp
Use your WhatsApp number to receive your SASSA verification notifications instead of SMS service.
Because WhatsApp is more stable. You can add your WhatsApp number to your SASSA profile during the SRD grant update.
Update your Internet Browser
Use an updated internet browser because an outdated browser can cause compatibility problems. Install any pending updates on the browser and visit the SASSA website again.
Change your Internet Connection
Shift your internet connection from Wi-Fi to mobile data or vice versa because a slow internet connection can also result in random errors on the website
Avoid Rush Hours
Change your phone number on the website during non-peak hours, such as early in the morning or late at night. The SASSA system will not be busy at this time, and there will be less chances of an error.
Stay Connected with Social Media
Follow SASSA’s official pages on Social media and confirm whether they have posted anything about system maintenance or a technical issue on their website.
In short, the “Invalid Number” error on the SASSA website can be due to formatting issues, browser problems, or system errors. Correcting the phone number format, clearing cached data, or switching devices often resolves the problem. If nothing works, you can always reach out to SASSA for assistance.